Know Your Power

As the famous scientist and philosopher, Sir Francis Bacon, said, “Knowledge itself is power.” At Sparks, we want to provide you with knowledge that can help lead you to your highest performance level. Let us put the power in your hands.
The Rowing Fitness Assessment & Strategy Tool (FAST) is an evaluation process that will provide you with information about several physiological data points. These include Concept2® RowErg power (watts) and pace (i.e., splits) values at:
- Peak Anaerobic Power
- Anaerobic Capacity
- Anaerobic Threshold
- Maximum Aerobic Capacity
The Benefits of Rowing FAST
Define Your Current Score Capability
Gauge what erg scores might be physiologically possible if technique and execution strategy are not factors. This includes the 10-second, 1-minute, 6000m, and 2000m scores that recruiting coaches want.
Compare Your Scores to Gold Medal Standards
See where you are on the rowing performance spectrum, which will provide a deeper understanding of recruiting potential.
Identify Your Strength & Challenge Areas
Knowing both your strengths and your areas that need attention enables you to focus on the most efficient training strategy for you.
Define Your Training Zones and Ensure Proper Execution of Training
Knowing your Training Zones will enable you to perform workouts as intended, which will lead to maximum gains.
Together, the data obtained from this scientific process provides you with important mapping points to make your athletic journey efficient, effective, and specific to you.
FAST is Based in Science
Improving your rowing fitness, performing at a higher level, and setting ergometer PB’s is a process that must be rooted in the scientific Principles of Training.
One of the most important of these principles is individualization. While general team training programs may help you improve, they may only meet a fraction of your individual needs. As an individual on an athletic journey, you must begin with two critical pieces of information: Your starting point and your destination.
Knowing your current fitness characteristics and performance capabilities are key to establishing those two points. From there, the best route forward can be plotted – specifically for you.
What is it like to Row FAST?
The FAST process can be performed at home or at your home training site and we will be there to support you along the way. The protocol is spread over six days and consists of several measurement exercises on the Concept2® Rowing Ergometer as well as specific training sessions to complement the assessments. Each of the sessions comes with detailed instructions on when/how to complete it and the data collected is submitted to Sparks for analysis.
Perform FAST at any time with access to a Concept2® RowErg
What Does FAST Look Like?
You will receive a written report of your results, along with explanations that can be used to help you understand where you are, set goals, design individualized training, properly execute that training, and move efficiently toward your goals.
To guide you along that journey, committing to FAST will also unlock a library of written tutorials. Deeper dives on the Principles of Training, Training Program Creation, Racing Strategy, and more will be at your fingertips.
The information you will receive will be a powerful tool to use in building your rowing future. Remember, knowledge is power, and Sparks is here to help you become the most powerful rower you can be.
Performance Measures
Compare your current performance level with your current physiological capability

Gold Medal Standards
Compare your current performance level with the top 0.1% of recruits

Strengths & Challenges
Know the areas you are performing well and areas that need improvement

Your Personalized Training Zones
Get the most out of your program by training with precision and focus

The Sparks Difference
For over a decade we’ve helped rowers just like you reach their next level of performance. Our staff has drawn on their experiences as coaches and athletes at some of the highest performing rowing programs in the World, including National Teams and top Division I Universities, to deliver innovative rowing camps and counseling services that lead rowers toward their goals.
At Sparks, we pride ourselves on providing industry-leading programs delivered by the best-trained, experienced, and accomplished leaders in our sport. The science of sport is our foundation, coaching experience fuels our art of teaching, and our own competitive experience informs our understanding of what you need to succeed at your craft.
Tap into our expertise and start the journey to your personal best.