High school rowers are phased with a number of challenges throughout the fall and spring season. From the pressure to perform on erg assessments to club challenges of fundraising for equipment, these challenges all have one thing in common. They require a level of self awareness. Not only are rowers faced with these challenges throughout the course of the season but they parallel challenges they will be faced with throughout life.
This summer, Sparks Camps began implementing a community approach to overcoming challenges. Campers were organized into small groups with a Program Leader overseeing each group. Not only were these groups effective for management, but they provided campers with a sense of community. Within these groups discussions were facilitated surrounding goal setting, planning, and leadership. Not only was awareness increased, but it was increased through reflection with a community.
Community can play a significant impact on the ability to overcome challenges. Because of this we encourage campers to take these skills and apply them at their home programs. How can they do this? Simply, by having meaningful conversations and working as a team to not just “win races” but work toward common goals. In order to promote the extension of community, Sparks will be holding a “Past & Interested Camper Meet-Up” at Head of the Charles on Sunday, October 21st at 11am. This meet-up will provide athletes with the ability to reconnect with camp friends, meet new rowers, learn about others experiences and discuss fall recruiting tips. The details will be released through Instagram as the event approaches.